Welcome to Alterset: Crafting tomorrow's digital landscapes

European tech pioneers

Rooted in the vibrant Adriatic region, Alterset is a beacon of innovation, bridging Europe's rich history with the future of technology. As European tech pioneers, we deliver cutting-edge software solutions that set standards across continents.

Honest collaboration

Our ethos centers on transparent and open collaboration. At Alterset, we build partnerships based on honesty and shared goals, journeying towards success with a commitment to mutual trust and respect.

Distinctive approach

Rejecting one-size-fits-all solutions, our distinctive approach involves a deeper understanding of our clients' needs. We combine immersive discovery processes with innovative execution to deliver software that is not only effective but uniquely tailored.

alterset anniversary

Alterset overview & history

Transforming digital frontiers: From startup roots to enterprise solutions

Founded in 2007 as a boutique startup agency, Alterset has navigated the evolving tech landscape for over 17 years, embracing challenges across diverse regions, industries, technologies, sizes, and stages. In our early years, we dedicated ourselves to innovation and agility, quickly becoming a hub for startups dreaming big. Our success was built on strong recommendations, reflecting our commitment to client satisfaction and excellence.

Over the past seven years, our journey has expanded to include mature businesses and enterprises, learning to adapt our startup-driven agility to meet the complex needs of larger, established companies. We've mastered the nuances of sophisticated communication, robust security measures, and streamlined processes, enhancing our approach to handle the scale and expectations of enterprise-level projects.

Today, Alterset stands as an all-in-one tech company—a dynamic tech partner for any organization aiming high, whether it's nurturing the next unicorn or tackling digital challenges faced by mature enterprises. We bring the best of our startup heritage—agility, flexibility, and relentless innovation—to invigorate even the most structured and robust enterprises. With a commitment to clarity and an unwavering customer success mindset, we ensure that every partnership is geared towards creating lasting value and transformative outcomes.

As we look to the future, Alterset is ready to continue breaking barriers and setting new standards, ensuring our clients not only keep pace but lead in an ever-changing digital world.